Laparoscopy and thoracoscopy are minimally invasive techniques for observing the internal organs of the abdomen and thorax, respectively.


A camera is inserted into the abdomen or thorax through a small skin incision. This camera magnifies the internal structures on a screen, giving a better view of the organs. Additional small incisions can be made to insert various surgical instruments.

Advantages of laparoscopy/thoracoscopy

For the veterinarian

  • better visualization thanks to magnification
  • direct inspection of organs (unlike imaging techniques, for example)
  • rapid identification and control of bleeding
  • large sample size for biopsies, facilitating diagnosis

For the animal

  • less tissue trauma
  • reduced risk of wound complications (infection, suture loosening, etc.) due to small incisions
  • less pain
  • shorter hospital stay
  • faster recovery

Examples of procedures performed at the CVU

  • Biopsies: liver, pancreas, kidney, intestine, lymph nodes, lungs, pleura, etc
  • Sterilization of bitches: ovariectomy or ovariohysterectomy
  • Castration of cryptorchid male dogs (intra-abdominal testicle)
  • Prophylactic gastropexy for breeds prone to stomach dilatation-torsion
  • Cystoscopy for bladder stones
  • Pericardectomy
updated on 4/3/24

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