A specialized team of emergency doctors, on hand 24/7 to take care of your pet in the most critical situations.

Please contact us by phone beforehand.

One of our vets will be able to give you advice on how to best care for your pet:

iconeInfo Dogs and cats: 04 366 4200

iconeInfo New pets: 04 366 4004

Urgences CVU AC

Our services

The emergency service is open 24/7. The team is made up of several veterinarians, including specialists and specialists in emergency and intensive care training, as well as several veterinarians and veterinary assistants.

Together, they take care of your animals, day and night. A triage process is carried out on arrival to prioritize care. Once stabilized, animals are transferred to the appropriate department (medicine, surgery, intensive care) for further examination or specific treatment.

We receive animals referred by general veterinarians, or in critical condition requiring urgent care. Animals are received, assessed and stabilized as quickly as possible, depending on how busy the emergency department is. During the night and at weekends, a small team also performs this function, and if necessary can call in other vets to carry out emergency procedures (surgery, etc.).

When animals are received in critical condition, the intensive care unit offers the possibility of advanced care tailored to the patient's needs.

It is advisable to call ahead to be put in touch with a veterinarian who will be able to assess the urgency of the situation, give you appropriate advice and best prepare for your arrival.


In the emergency department, once the animal has been triaged, students carry out a general examination and take a history. They assist the team of veterinarians who take charge of your animal, administering first aid and carrying out the first complementary examinations.

Useful information

- When you arrive, you'll need to show proof of identity and your pet's record book to create your file.

- You will be asked to pay the cost of the consultation (120€ per day, 200€ per night and weekend), plus a deposit of 30% of the estimated cost of treatment if your pet is to remain in hospital.

- Due to the number of emergencies and the time required to provide quality care, you should expect to wait on site for several hours while your pet is examined and stabilized by our team.

Clinical research

At our clinic, no treatment or additional examination is carried out without your consent. However, some of our current clinical research projects may be offered to you. The aim of this research is to increase our knowledge of certain diseases and improve the care of our pets. A good example is clinical research into the development of bedside ultrasound. This technique enables us to obtain relevant information quickly, non-invasively and without stressing animals received in emergency or hospital.

How it works

If you wish to bring your pet to the hospital in an emergency, you can ask your regular veterinarian for a referral. In the event of a major emergency, please contact us by phone beforehand at 043664200. Our team will then be notified of your arrival, and one of our vets will be able to give you some advice to ensure that your pet's care is optimal.

Rates :

Daytime emergency: 120 euros
Night and weekend emergency: 200 euros (5:00 pm to 8:00 am)

Our team


European specialists in internal medicine,

emergency and intensive care (Dipl ECVIM, Dipl ECVECC)



Specialized interns

Veterinary care assistants

updated on 4/5/24

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