At the University Veterinary Clinic, we have several inpatient units. An intensive care unit with 24-hour surveillance and extensive monitoring is dedicated to the most critical cases. A less intensive inpatient unit for animals that require less aggressive treatment but continuous monitoring is also available.

Anuimaux compagnie hospitalisation

A more traditional hospital unit is reserved for stable animals recovering from an operation or requiring specific treatment or care.

We have also taken care to separate the different species. This means that cats are not in the same room as dogs, thus avoiding any additional source of stress.

Finally, there are more special units. Animals suffering from contagious and/or dangerous diseases are treated in a special isolation unit, a little apart from the other hospital patients, in order to prevent the transmission of germs as much as possible.

A new padded room is also being planned for epileptic animals that require a quiet environment. This room will also prevent these animals from injuring themselves in the event of convulsions.

Animal care

The care of each animal is individualised according to the pathology it presents and is reassessed daily according to its evolution. This may involve checking heart rate or blood pressure, monitoring respiratory or neurological status, changing bandages, administering treatments, placing a urinary or feeding tube, administering oxygen, or performing additional tests during hospitalisation.  The students are partly responsible for the care of the animals, their outings, their feeding and their well-being. They are surrounded by several veterinarians and veterinary nurses who are there to teach them the technical gestures and management of a hospitalised animal. Very close to the animals, they are often the ones you will see bringing the animals in for visits.

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Patient care is an integral part of learning to be a veterinarian. This learning always takes place under the supervision of a team of veterinarians and veterinary nurses dedicated to in-patient care. Students are also responsible for following their cases and understanding them in their entirety, preparing them for all aspects of their future practice.

Daily rounds are carried out to ensure the transition between the day and night shifts.  These rounds are also a good time for teaching as they allow the application of theory to practice.

Services offered

Hospitalised cases are managed by the department concerned (surgery, medicine, etc.) and re-evaluated regularly. Owners receive daily updates on their pets. The CVU offers animals the possibility of 24-hour supervision by dedicated veterinarians, which enables them to intervene very quickly in the event of a problem.



In practice 

The hospital fees are in the form of a lump sum and are applicable per day of hospitalisation. They do not include medication or additional tests. They depend mainly on the level of surveillance and the level of care provided.

Unfortunately, access to the various hospital premises is not possible for biosafety reasons. If you wish to visit your animal, it will be moved to a consultation room if its condition allows it. You will then have a privileged moment with your animal. In order to guarantee the best care for your animal and to allow it to recover as quickly as possible, visits are limited in time and are only authorised after consultation with the clinician responsible for your animal.

updated on 4/8/24

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